Now I would come across them in the fruit market everyday, it comes the season to eat them, there would soon be a time when the price going down to the bottom, then I would eat much of them as I can to fill my long restrained thirst for it:)
I wonder if I can plant them in my garden, I told my mum about this, but it turns out to be a joke, because it's not a city to grow strawberries here.
I would not rattle about their huge benifets here, everybody know it. Strawberry even got some magic functions as to fight cancer DNA according to some sayings.
They are so delicate, strawberries squash easily. So everytime I bought them, be most careful. Remember Strawberry cannot be frozen. It's better to eat the fresh ones, enjoy every sake of it.
Nice red color and in heart shape, it's also a great gift to send to girls in the upcoming Valentine's day.:)
Chinese Overview:草莓的美味和保健功能地球人都知道,马上就要到吃草莓的季节了,赶快行动阿!